Every Goal in Cascade needs to get progress somehow, but how should it work? Goal progress is always created based on the Tracking Type set for a Goal, and you can set default behavior depending on which kind of Goal is being created.
You can set the default Tracking Type for each Goal Template under Plan > Plan Settings. Just follow these steps:
Edit a Goal Template by clicking the Pencil.
Go to "Template Settings."
Choose a default Tracking Type from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the screen (see below).
Now, every time you create a Goal using that Template, the default Tracking Type will take effect. If you need to override/change away from the default, you still can!
We recommend the following default tracking types for each of these Goal Templates.
Objectives (top-level outcomes): Child Goal Average
Projects (actions to achieve the outcomes): Task Completion
KPIs (measures of success for the outcomes): Manual Slider
Thinking through default Tracking Types is important, because it solidifies the user experience and helps differentiate how it should feel to build one Goal type vs. another.