Within Cascade, you have the option to change the owner of a single goal or multiple goals by re-assigning them to another user.
Re-assign a Single Goal
To reassign a goal to a different user, open the goal in the sidebar or Goal Hub.
Identify the Owner area showing the current owner and click into the box to select the new owner from the list or use the search box to find the user.
The new user selected will automatically be added as a co-owner. To make this user the owner, click on their name so you see the person icon filled in. This designates the primary owner, whereas the person outline signifies a co-owner.
If you'd like to remove the previous owner from the goal, click on the "X" on their name.
Re-assigning Multiple Goals in Bulk (Admins)
If you need to re-assign multiple goals from one User to another, instead of individually assigning the goals in the process described above, Cascade allows for a bulk transfer of Goals to speed up the process.
It's extremely important to bulk transfer important goals away from a Role you intend to delete, because when a Role is deleted, all goals aligned to that Role are also deleted and cannot be retrieved!
Start by going to Profile > Organization and then selecting the Roles section.
Search for the user whose goals you'd like to transfer. Once located, click on the paper plane icon to view all their goals (far right under "Clear filters").
Once in the Goal re-assignment page, you can individually select the goals you'd like to reassign, or 'Select All Goals' and transfer all goals owned by this user.
Next, search for the user you'd like to re-assign the goals to and select them.
Clicking the Next button will take you to a screen to review the goals being transferred, and then Save to set the changes in place.
See also our article about Archiving & Deleting Users.