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How to fill out Career & Development Plan (Limited Support)

Career and Development Planning

Cascade’s career and development plan is designed to help individuals and managers collaborate on creating personal career and professional goals. The process involves the building of an initial career and development plan, followed by ongoing discussions over time.

Completing your plan

If this feature has been set up by your Cascade administrators, you will be able to access your career and development plan from the “My Career” section in the menu under your name. Here there is a template which you can use to start completing your career plan.

Once an Individual has completed an initial plan, they will have the opportunity to send it to their manager to review. Managers receive a notification and will be asked to leave a comment to review. Managers can come back and view their direct reports plans at any time via the My Team page.

These ongoing discussions can then continue throughout the year. Any time an individual or a manager comments on a plan they will be notified, and the comment will be logged in the discussion section.

If an individual wishes to make a change to their plan, they can resubmit it to their manager for review. Once they feel the current plan is complete, the plan can be archived and a new plan can be started.